Here you find information about the affiliations as well as research competencies and activities of our members in alphabetical order.

If you are looking for a partner with a specific data-science expertise to realize your cooperative research project, we will be happy to put you in touch with the right person. Just send us an E-MAIL.


Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
DSC spokesperson
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer Architecture

Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
DSC deputy spokesperson
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science

Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC coordinator
Data Science Center

Jasmin Marx-Krull
Team Assistance
Data Science Center

Sarah Büker, M.Sc.
Help-Desk | Data Science Support
Environmental and Marine Sciences

Data Science Center

Dr. Susanne de Vogel
Help Desk | Data Science Support
Social Sciences

Data Science Center

Nele Fuchs, M.A.
Help Desk | Data Science Support

Data Science Center

Sana Hassan Imam, M.Sc.
Doctoral Candidate
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Maryam Movahedifar
Help Desk | Data Science Support
Analysis methods esp. statistics

Data Science Center

Annika Nolte, M.Sc.
Help Desk | Data Science Support
Environmental and Marine Sciences

Data Science Center

Dipl.-Soz. Heike Thöricht
Data Steward
Social Sciences and Humanities

Data Science Center

Nils Leusmann, M.Sc.
Research Assistant


Dr. Bálint Aradi
FB 01: Physics and Electrical Engineering
Light-Matter Control of Quantum Materials (LMCQM)

Prof. Dr. Annelies Blom
FB 08: Social Sciences
Social Data Science

Prof. Dr. Julia Borst
FB 10: Linguistics and Literary Studies
Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied Statistics and Biometry

Dr. Ewa Burwicz-Galerne
FB 05: Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Mathematical Statistics

Prof. Dr. Vanessa Didelez
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Statistics with focus on Causal Inference

Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Döbereiner
FB 01 – Physics and Electrical Engineering
Biological Physics

Prof. Dr. Anna Förster
FB 01: Physics and Electrical Engineering
Sustainable Communication Networks

Dr. Marcello Gugliotta
FB 05: Geosciences
Sedimentary Systems

Prof. Dr. Peter Haddawy
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Medical Informatics

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp
FB 09: Cultural Studies
Media Culture and Communication Theory

Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Business Administration, esp. Financial Services and Financial Technology

Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach
FB 09: Cultural Studies
Communication and Media Research

Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Global Supply Chain Management

Prof. Dr. Iris Kirchner-Freis
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
IT, Media and Intellectual Property Law

Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics

Prof. Dr. Thomas Loy
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Management Accounting and Information Systems

Prof. Dr. Björn Lüssem
FB 01: Physics / Electrical Engineering
Flexible Sensor Systems

Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Digital Media

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maneth
DSC co-founder
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science

Dr. Yann Marcon
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Seafloor Exploration

Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Combinatorial Optimization

Prof. Dr. Elda Miramontes García
FB 05: Geosciences

Prof. Dr. Dr. Björn Niehaves
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Digital Public

Prof. Dr. Steffen Paul
FB 01: Physics and Electrical Engineering
Electrodynamics and Microelectronics, Department of Communication Electronics (

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann
FB 09: Cultural Studies
Communication and Media Research

Dr. Marlis Reich
FB 02: Biology and Chemistry
Head of Group Molecular Ecology

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Siebertz
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
FB 09: Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Michael Windzio
FB 08: Sociology
Migration and Urban Research


Dr. Iliyana Angelova
FB 09: Cultural Studies
Institute for the Study of Religion

Dr. Matthias Buschmann
FB 01: Physics/Electrical Engineering
Junior Research Group: Greenhouse gases in the Arctic

Dr. Wilke Dononelli
FB04: Production Engineering
Senior Postdoc @ Hybrid Materials and Interfaces

Dr. Eric Drebitz
FB 02: Biology / Chemistry
Cognitive Neurophysiology

Dr. Christian Fieberg
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Business economics esp. empirical capital market research and derivatives

Dr. Daniel Gregorek
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Marine Environmental Technologies and Deep Sea Engineering

Dr. Muhammad Hassan
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer Architecture

Matthies Hesse
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Management Accounting and Information Systems

Dr. Hendrik Heuer
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction and Machine Learning

Dr. Lukas Jonkers
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Micropaleontology – Paleoceanography

Dr. Alice Lefebvre
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Coastal Sedimentology

Dr. Matheus Eduardo Leusin
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Economics of Innovation and Structural Change

Dr. Weimin Liu
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Organic Geochemistry

Adrian Lubitz, M. Sc.
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Dr. Sonja Mangold
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Financial Services and Technologies

Dr. Daniel Metko
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Business economics esp. empirical capital market research and derivatives

Dr. Ardalan Najafi
FB 01 – Physics and Electrical Engineering
Integrated Digital Systems

Tobias Neumaier
Faculty 7: Business Studies and Economics
Char of Finance

Benedikt J. Plate, M. Sc.
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Chair of Accounting and Control

Dr. Lars Robben
FB 02: Biology / Chemistry
Solid state chemical crystallography / team leader “porous materials”

Hannes Scheffter
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics

Dr. Helen Seitzer
FB 08: Sociology
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy

Dr. Mariia Shkolnykova
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Economics of Innovation and Structural Change

Janik Ole Wecks M.Sc.
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Chair of Accounting and Control

Philipp Wierzchowski, M. Sc.
FB 07: Business Studies and Economics
Professorship for Empirical Economic Research and Applied Statistics

Dr. Wanli Yu
FB 01: Physics and Electrical Engineering
Integrierte Digitale Systeme


Prof. Dr. Jan O. Haerter
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
WG Complexity & Climate

Dr.-Ing. Michael Lütjen
BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH
Intelligent Production and Logistics Systems (IPS)

The Data Science Center is funded by:
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