Sana Hassan Imam, M.Sc.

Imam, M.Sc.
Doctoral Candidate
FB 03: Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Research Associate and Member of the Data Science Center and Diginomics Research Group

Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing; FinTech; online collaborative communities.

Sana Hassan Imam received her Bachelor’s in Telecommunication Engineering from the National University of Computer and Emerging Science FAST Islamabad 2007. Her skill set and interest areas were signal processing and computer programming, especially in C++ and MATLAB programming. In 2012 she completed her Master’s in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Wireless Communication, where her focus was on implementing machine learning methods for optimizing Wireless Receivers. She pursued her teaching career as an assistant professor at FAST University from 2012 to 2020, with expertise in teaching signal processing and programming languages.

She is currently pursuing her PhD at the DSC / in the Department of Computer Sciences and working on a collaborative project with the Department of Business Studies and Economics. Her research interests include data mining, data management and data processing for Fintech-oriented online collaborative communities and platforms through machine learning, explainable AI and natural language processing.

University of Bremen
Research assistant and member of the Data Science Center
Faculty 03 – Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Bibliothekstr. 5
28359 Bremen

Faculty 07 – Business Studies and Economics
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
28359 Bremen

+49 (421) 218-63954

The Data Science Center is funded by:
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