Below you find information on upcoming events of the DSC and the University of Bremen in the context of data science. We report on workshops, seminars, education and training offers, and much more.

If you are interested in organizing a data science event at the University of Bremen and are looking for financial support, please visit our website about the DSC Seed Grant or write us an E-MAIL.

© Data Science Center



27.01.2025 | 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM.
Finding Nemo: The Art of Sequence Data Analysis (Metabarcoding 2) (DSC-2024-10)
Location: UNICOM 2 (Entrance Haus Oxford)
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 2
Raum 2.2090 (First floor)

04.12. - 06.12.2024
Applied Text Mining Using Python (DSC-2024-12)
Location: UNICOM 2 (Entrance Haus Oxford)
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 2
Raum 2.1060 (First floor)

02.12.2024 | 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM.
Faster, Harder, Data – Introduction Into Web Survey Design (DSC-2024-11)
Location: Online (Zoom)

21.11.2024 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM.
Brick by Brick: Making Survey Data FAIR with LEGO® (DSC-2024-09)
Location: UNICOM 2 (Entrance Haus Oxford)
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 2
Raum 2.1060 (First floor)

12.11.2024 | 09 AM - 05 PM.
Data Visualization And Communication Using Python and Jupyter For The Earth Sciences (DSC-2024-06)
Location: UNICOM 2 (Entrance Haus Oxford)
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 2
Room 2.1060 (first floor)

28.10. - 30.10.2024
Time Series Analysis And Prediction Using Python and Jupyter For The Earth Sciences (DSC-2024-04)
Location: MARUM, Leo­be­ner Str. 8
28.10. | Room 2060
29.10. | Room 2070
30.10. | Room 2060

16.10.2024 | 16 Oct: 10 AM - 03 PM
19 Nov: 02 PM - 03 PM
Obsidian for Researchers: Customizing Your Digital Research Assistant (DSC-2024-03)
Location: 16.10. | UNICOM 2
(Entrance Haus Oxford)
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 2
Raum 2.1060 (First floor)

19.11. | online (Zoom)

02.10.2024 | 09:30 AM - 03:30 PM.
Oops, I Did it Again... Getting Ready For Reproducible Research (DSC-2024-02)
Location: Online (Zoom)

18.06.2024 | 1 - 3 PM.
Hands-on Workshop
Let’s play LEGO®! Experience reproducible research in a practical way (DSC-2024-01)
Location: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SuUB)
Universitätsboulevard 12
Room 1220 (GF)

07.02.2024 | 10:00 - 11:30 AM.
Social Event
A Coffee and Cake Get-Together of the Data Steward Network Bremen: Christmas Edition
Location: MZH (room 4380)

18.01.2024 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
FAIR Data in the Humanities? Challenge accepted!
Location: Online (Zoom)

20.11. - 23.11.2023
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Supervised Machine Learning in R (DSC-2023-08) | 2,5 days
Location: Online (Zoom)

06.11. - 08.11.2023
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Data Analysis with R (DSC-2023-07) | 3 days
Location: Cartesium
Room 0.001

04.10. - 06.10.2023
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Natural Language Processing in Python (DSC-2023-06) | 2,5 days
Location: Online (Zoom)

26.09. - 29.09.2023
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Python Basics for Data Analysis (DSC-2023-05) | 1,5 days
Location: Online (Zoom)

09.08.2023 | 09:30 AM - 3 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Handling Personal Data In Research (DSC-2023-04)
Location: Mehrzweckhochhaus (MZH)
Room 1470

12.07.2023 | 3:30 - 5:00 PM.
Social Event
A Coffee and Cake Get-Together of the Data Steward Network Bremen: Summer Edition
Location: tbd (outside MZH if weather allows it)

06.07.2023 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Digital Humanities - Data Sources, Tools, And Methods
Location: Online (Zoom)

15.06.2023 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence Documentation
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

07.06.2023 | 2 - 4 PM.
Hands-on Workshop
How to document your research data – Keep calm and play with Lego®
Location: Fraunhofer MEVIS
Max-von-Laue-Str. 2
Raum 1.010 -1.012

07.06.2023 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM.
Research Data Day
Open Door at the Data Science Center – With Walk-In Helpdesk!
Location: Foyer MZH
Bibliothekstrasse 5

21.04.2023 | 10 - 11:30 AM.
DSC IT-Training
Scientific Computing at the DSC – How to Use Our IT-Infrastructure
Location: Online (Zoom)

21.03.2023 | 3-5 pm.
Data Science Workshop
Bremen-Cardiff Data Science Workshop
Location: Online (Zoom)

10.03.2023 | 09 AM - 12 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
How to Draft a Data Management Plan (DMP) as a Social Scientist (DSC-2023-03)
Location: Online (Zoom)

24.02.2023 | 10 - 11:30 AM.
DSC IT-Training
Scientific Computing at the DSC – How to Use Our IT-Infrastructure
Location: Online (Zoom)

16.02.2023 | 09 AM - 12 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Introduction to Research Data Management (RDM) for Social Scientists (DSC-2023-02)
Location: Online (Zoom)

16.02.2023 | 1:30 - 3:00 PM.
Social Event
In Love With Data – A Coffee and Cake Get-Together of the Data Steward Network Bremen
Location: MZH (room 4380)

15.02.2023 | 09 AM - 3 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Git for Dummies (DSC-2023-01)
Location: Fraunhofer MEVIS
Max-von-Laue-Str. 2
Raum 1.010 -1.012 (Conference Room)

26.01.2023 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Sharing Data now and how to Make it Last  – Obligations and Benefits
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

20.01.2023 | 10 - 11:30 AM.
DSC IT-Training
Scientific Computing at the DSC – How to Use Our IT-Infrastructure
Location: Online (Zoom)

12.01.2023 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Storage or Backup? Both! Or: How not to Loose Your Data
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

15.12.2022 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Give Your Data Context – On Documentation and Data Quality
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

01.12.2022 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Why Describing Data and Data Description are not the Same
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

25.11.2022 | 09:00 - 10:30 AM.
DSC IT-Training
Scientific Computing at the DSC – How to Use Our IT-Infrastructure
Location: Online (Zoom)

17.11.2022 | 1:00 - 1:30 PM.
Data Science Forum
Funders and Research Data Management – The Carrot and the Stick
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

10.11.2022 | 10 AM - 4 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Reproducibility Hackathon – ReproHack (DSC-2022-10)
Location: ZeMKI, Linzer Str. 4, Room 60.070

02.11.2022 | 09 AM - 1 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Git for Dummies (DSC-2022-09)
Location: MARUM, Leo­be­ner Str. 8, room 2070

20.10.2022 | 09:00 - 11:30 AM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
How to Create a Data Management Plan (DMP) as a Social Scientist (DSC-2022-08)
Location: Online (Zoom)

14.07.2022 | 12 - 12:30 PM (Zoom)
12 - 1 PM (in MZH).
Data Science Forum
What can a data steward do for you? Discipline-specific RDM support and training
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

27.06.2022 | 09 AM - 5 PM.
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Data Visualization with Python (DSC-2022-06)
Location: Online (via Microsoft Teams)

16.06.2022 | 12 - 12:30 PM (Zoom)
12 - 1 PM (in MZH).
Data Science Forum
Wohin mit meinen Daten? FDM an der Universität Bremen – Unterstützungsangebote und Rahmenbedingungen
Location: Hybrid (MZH and Zoom)

09.06.2022 | 12 - 12:30 PM (Zoom)
12 - 1 PM (in MZH).
Data Science Forum
Bibliothekar:innen lesen gar nicht den ganzen Tag über! FDM in der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen
Location: Hybrid (MZH und Zoom)

07.06. - 08.06.2022
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Machine learning with Python (DSC-2022-05)
Location: Online (via Microsoft Teams)

17.05. - 20.05.2022
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Introduction to Data Science with Python (DSC-2022-04)
Location: Online

03.05. - 04.05.2022
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Time Series Analysis with R
Location: Online

11.04. - 14.04.2022
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Introduction to Machine Learning with R
Location: Online

29.03. - 01.04.2022
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Introduction to R for Data Science
Location: Online

17.03.2022 | 8:30 pm.
Science goes Public
Digitalisierung des Alltags – Welchen Einfluss hat künstliche Intelligenz?
Location: Gondi, Bremen

17.03.2022 | 3:30 - 5:30 pm.
KI Hardware – die richtige Auswahl treffen
Location: online

11.10. - 15.10.2021
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Machine Learning with Python
Location: Zoom

07.10. - 08.10.2021
Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche
Data Science - Wunderwelt oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
Location: Festsaal des Schütting
Atlantic Grand Hotel Bremen

18.09.2021 | 11 am - 12 pm.
Wissen um 11: Daten sind überall – Doch wie können wir daraus Wissen generieren?
Location: Haus der Wissenschaft

01.07.2021 | 12 - 1 PM.
Data Science Forum
Emergence of Universality
Location: Zoom

03.06.2021 | 12 - 1 PM.
Data Science Forum
Causal Reasoning for Data Science
Location: Zoom

20.05.2021 | 12 - 1 PM.
Data Science Forum
How the Brain Processes Big Data
Location: Zoom

10.05. - 14.05.2021
Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs
Introduction to Python for Data Science
Location: Zoom

08.04.2021 | 12 - 1 PM.
Data Science Forum
Data Science and Philosophy
Location: Zoom

20.01.2021 | 4:00 - 5:30 PM.
Seminar Series: "Diginomics Research Talks meet BREMEN.AI Data Lounge"
Deep Learning in Asset Pricing
Location: Zoom

01.12.2020 | 6:00 - 7:30 PM.
Seminar Series: "Diginomics Research Talks meet BREMEN.AI Data Lounge"
AI Product Management
Location: Zoom

The Data Science Center is funded by:
Logo funding by BMBF Logo funding by EU