Dr. Bálint Aradi

FB 01: Physics and Electrical Engineering
Light-Matter Control of Quantum Materials (LMCQM)
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS)

Combining machine learning with materials science; quantum mechanical atomistic simulations; open source software development; high performance computing.

Bálint Aradi studied physics at the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, where he also completed his doctorate on simulation of point defects in semiconductors. He then worked at the University of Paderborn and later became a senior scientist at the University of Bremen. He is a member of the Light-Matter Control of Quantum Materials (LCQM) research group and has been a member of the Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS) since its foundation.

Bálint Aradi’s research focuses on quantum mechanical atomistic simulations and their combination with machine learning to improve the accuracy and efficiency of these methods for materials science problems. He is an active developer and coordinator of several open-source scientific software packages in this field, and is also involved in teaching computer science to physics students.

University of Bremen
Faculty 01 – Physics and Electrical Engineering
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen

+49 (421) 218 62331
GitHub: https://github.com/aradi

The Data Science Center is funded by:
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