DSC IT-Training

Scientific Computing at the DSC – How to Use Our IT-Infrastructure


10 - 11:30 AM

Online (Zoom)

Christopher Metz
(Data Science Support)
Data Science Center

Language: English


If you have any questions regarding our workshops, please feel free to write us an E-MAIL.

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Does data analysis take too long on your desktop PC? Do you need more computing power to boost your research? Then use our AI-optimized IT-infrastructure!

This workshop is mandatory if you want to use the DSC’s IT-infrastructure especially our GPU-server. We will discuss the basic steps so that you are well set up to use our resources.


At the end of the workshop you will know:

  • How to use the DSC’s IT-resources
    • How to handle libraries on a cluster system
    • How to connect to our system
    • How to write and start a job
    • Important commands
    • Terms of use
  • How cluster computing works
  • What the system architecture of our cluster looks like
  • What SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is and why it’s important


The event is open for all researcher of the University of Bremen. If there are multiple people from your institute or your working group who are interested in using our computing resources, we encourage you to sign up for a workshop together. Prior knowledge of LINUX and the command line is beneficial.

The Data Science Center is funded by:
Logo funding by BMBF Logo funding by EU