Time Series Analysis with R

03.05. - 04.05.2022

09:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs

Christoph Schmidt (eoda)


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The goal of a time series analysis is to identify structures and patterns in time series data, to describe these patterns and to derive forecasts from this knowledge. The questions arise from different disciplines such as econometrics, finance or meteorology and are related to the development of foreign exchange, stocks, sales or weather. The course deals with the following topics:

  • Introduction to the basic concepts of time series analysis
  • Time series objects in R
  • Characterization of time series
  • Exponential smoothing of time series
  • ARIMA models

One goal is to ensure the safe use of terminology and methods by introducing the participants to the field of time series analysis theoretically. Afterwards, the participants will not only learn about statistical test procedures for the characterization of time series but will also get to know the central smoothing and forecasting procedures. Based on exemplary data sets from economics (e.g. stock and currency data) the methods are applied in R and deepened through small exercises. At the end of the training, the participants should be able to conduct time series analyses with R for their own projects.

This course is intended for people who are interested in the field of data science or want to expand their knowledge of the subject area “Machine Learning”. Prior knowledge of R is a prerequisite for productive participation. This means that the basic data types are known, and classes, functions and methods can be safely distinguished. R beginners should participate in our Introduction to R for Data Science course.

Christoph Schmidt has been working as a Data Scientist at eoda GmbH since 2017, primarily on projects containing machine learning or forecasting tasks. In addition to that, he teaches courses such as Machine Learning with R or Time Series Analysis with R.

eoda GmbH is an IT company specialized in Data Science working towards the mission “Data Science Empowerment”. As a pioneer in Germany for open-source programming languages and as a Full Service Certified Partner of RStudio and Anaconda, eoda offers a holistic training and qualification concept – with a performant toolset around programming languages like R, Python and Spark.
The interdisciplinary team of eoda combines deep knowledge of business processes with the competent application of the appropriate analytic methods and can draw from experiences in cross-disciplinary use cases. Learn more about eoda .

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