Left to right: Nele Fuchs, Maryam Movahedifar, Susanne de Vogel, Sarah Büker, Jasmin Marx-Krull, and Annika Nolte.

27.05.2024 | DSC Team

The Data Science Center welcomes six new team members!

We warmly welcome our five new employees for training and consulting, as well as a team assistant, who will enrich the DSC as part of the BMBF-funded project “DataNord”!

DataNord is an interdisciplinary data competence center for the Bremen region. It offers researchers from all disciplines and career levels diverse opportunities to enhance their data skills throughout the entire data lifecycle. This includes training sessions, hackathons, consulting services, as well as networking and professional exchange opportunities. The goal of DataNord is to sustainably increase the data competencies of researchers from various disciplines and thus promote innovation in science.

The new colleagues play a key role in shaping DataNord’s offerings. As an interdisciplinary team, Sarah Büker, Dr. Susanne de Vogel, Nele Fuchs, Dr. Maryam Movahedifar, and Annika Nolte will establish a help desk at the DSC with innovative consulting and training services in data management and data science. They bring a wide range of expertise from various scientific fields to the DSC.

Sarah completed her Master’s degree in Marine Environmental Sciences at University Oldenburg in 2023, focusing particularly on the extraction and analysis of environmental DNA. She previously completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences in 2019. From now on, she will support researchers in the field of environmental sciences as well as health sciences, with a focus on metabarcoding and sequence analysis.
To Sarah’s Profile
Susanne completed her Ph.D. in Sociology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in 2019 and worked for several years as a research associate in various panel surveys at the German Centre for Higher Education and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hannover. Her focus in training and consulting will be on the domain social sciences. To Susanne’s Profile
Nele completed her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy & Material Culture in 2019, followed by a Master’s degree in Transcultural Studies in 2023. In the past she also worked as editorial head at the Institute for Material Culture at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, contributing to the ‘Studien zur Materiellen Kultur’ series. With her broad expertise in the humanities, she will particularly support researchers in this field. To Nele’s Profile
Maryam completed her Ph.D. in Statistics at Payame Noor University in Tehran, Iran, in 2020. From 2021 to 2024, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Statistics at the University of Bremen. At the DSC, she will be mainly involved in methods consulting and training, particularly in the field of statistics.
To Maryam’s Profile
Annika completed her Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences at TU Braunschweig. From 2019 to 2024, she worked as a research associate at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) and conducted research at the University of Hamburg. Her expertise will also focus on the domain of environmental and marine sciences. To Annika’s Profile

In addition, the DSC got new support in the administration department. A warm welcome also goes to Jasmin Marx-Krull who is going to work as the new team assistant at the DSC.

We are very excited to welcome all new members to our team and work together to shape the future of the Data Science Center and DataNord!

Author: Svenja Goers
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Dr. Lena Steinmann
DSC Coordinator
+49 (421) 218 - 63941

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