Workshop für Promovierende und Postdocs

Introduction to Machine Learning with R

11.04. - 14.04.2022

09:00 - 12:30 Uhr


Nico Frieß (eoda)

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In this course, we give you an insight into machine learning algorithms and show you how to develop your own models, what challenges you might face and how to master them. The course deals with the following topics:

  • Introduction to the basic terms of machine learning
  • Introduction to machine learning algorithms such as decision trees, random forest, gradient boosting machine
  • Introduction to a methodical approach in the development of machine learning models
  • Typical steps in data preparation such as feature selection or data transformation
  • Creation of training and test data sets
  • Introduction of validation techniques such as cross-validation or bootstrapping
  • Introduction and interpretation of different metrics for measuring success such as:
    • For classifications: Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity
    • For regression: RMSE, MAE, MAPE, …
  • Interpretation of ROC curves
  • Tuning of parameters
  • Introduction of the data mining framework caret

Based on practical examples and exercises, we teach you the skills to implement machine learning methods in R independently. The preparation of data, the development and training of algorithms and the validation of analysis models: In our course you will get to know the central steps of machine learning.

This course is intended for people who are interested in the field of data science or want to expand their knowledge of the subject area “Machine Learning”. Prior knowledge of R is a prerequisite for productive participation. This means that the basic data types are known, and classes, functions and methods can be safely distinguished. R beginners should participate in our Introduction to R for Data Science course.

Nicolas Frieß joined eoda in 2022 as a data scientist after building expertise in data analytics as an active researcher in the fields of environmental sciences and geoinformatics. His work focuses on machine learning projects in industry and manufacturing as well as software development in the area of productive Shiny applications.

eoda GmbH is an IT company specialized in Data Science working towards the mission “Data Science Empowerment”. As a pioneer in Germany for open-source programming languages and as a Full Service Certified Partner of RStudio and Anaconda, eoda offers a holistic training and qualification concept – with a performant toolset around programming languages like R, Python and Spark.
The interdisciplinary team of eoda combines deep knowledge of business processes with the competent application of the appropriate analytic methods and can draw from experiences in cross-disciplinary use cases. Learn more about eoda .

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