Application-oriented research in statistics – Analysis of complex data


12 - 13 Uhr

Data Science Forum

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus
Professor of Mathematical Statistics
FB 03 – Mathematics and Computer Science


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The working group “Mathematical Statistics” at Faculty 03 of the University of Bremen carries out research in the field of multiple testing and simultaneous inference, with applications in the life sciences, in economics, and in other fields. This talk will showcase some methodological results as well as exemplary interdisciplinary research projects of the group. Among other things, we will present statistical methods for analyzing data from genetic association studies, from epigenetics, from functional magnetic resonance imaging, and from brain-computer interfacing.

One goal of the talk is to initiate potential collaborations with other groups represented in the Data Science Center.

About the Speaker

Thorsten Dickhaus studied mathematics in Aachen and Düsseldorf, and he received his Dr. rer. nat. degree in mathematics and application areas from Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf in 2008. Afterwards, we worked in Berlin, first as a PostDoc at the Berlin Institute of Technology, then as a junior professor at the Humboldt-University and finally as a scientific staff member at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics. Since March 2015, Thorsten Dickhaus is Full Professor and Head of the Working Group “Mathematical Statistics” at Faculty 3: Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bremen. Since 2018 he is the Vice Dean of Academics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

His research interests include the development of statistical methods and their applications, in particular to high-dimensional and complex structured data from the life sciences and from economics.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus

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