Data Science Forum

Towards a cross-disciplinary doctoral education program on research data management and data science – “Data Train”


12 - 13 Uhr


Dr. Tanja Hörner
U Bremen Research Alliance

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Given the massive demand in terms of qualifications in research data management and data science (e.g. Kirchherr et al., 2018; Council for Information Infrastructure (RfII), 2019), the U Bremen Research Alliance together with the federal state of Bremen initiated the establishment of a discipline-overarching education program for doctoral students to strengthen competencies in data science, research data management and data literacy – Data Train. The program operates in close collaboration with the Data Science Center (DSC) of the University of Bremen. This initiative is further in line with efforts of the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI-consortia (funded by the DFG) which considers education as a cross-cutting topic (Bierwirth et al., 2020).

In my talk, I will elucidate the program’s concept and how it was developed. Furthermore, I present our curriculum and our plans for 2021. I look forward to your feedback!

About the Speaker

Tanja Hörner is the coordinator of the cross-discipline education program for doctoral candidates “Data Train – Training in Research Data Management and Data Science”. She further coordinates the “Research Data Working Group” of the U Bremen Research Alliance and contributes to the coordination of the alliance’s Exchange Groups “Sample Management” and “Data Stewardship”.

Tanja Hörner studied “Marine Geosciences” at the University of Bremen and worked at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz-Centre for Marine and Polar Research and the Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (see ORCID).

Additional Literature
Kirchherr et al. (2018), Future Skills: Welche Kompetenzen in Deutschland fehlen.
RfII - Council for Information Infrastructure (2019), Herausforderungen Datenqualität – Empfehlungen zur Zukunftsfähigkeit von Forschung im digitalen Wandel.
Bierwirth et al. (2020), Leipzig-Berlin-Erklärung zu NFDI-Querschnittsthemen der Infrastrukturentwicklung.

Dr. Tanja Hörner

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