Hands-on Workshop

Let’s play LEGO®! Experience reproducible research in a practical way (DSC-2024-01)


13 - 15 Uhr

Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SuUB)
Universitätsboulevard 12
Raum 1220 (EG)

Dipl.-Soc. Heike Thöricht (Data Steward)
Data Science Center

Sprache: Englisch

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This workshops takes place as part of the “Research Data Day” of the U Bremen Research Alliance on 18 June 2024.


Scientific institutions, funding agencies, and journals are increasingly asking for a sustainable research data management strategy according to the FAIR-principles . This requires research data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable in order to make research transparent and reproducible.

In this context, comprehensible documentation of research can be a challenge. Get active and get to know tools that will make your task easier. We would like to document, record, and discuss with you using LEGO®! You do not need to bring your own LEGO® to participate in the event, as we will provide all materials. The event is open to all students, faculty members, researchers, and those interested in research data management. We invite you to join us for a fun and informative experience.


The Data Science Center (DSC) is an interdisciplinary institute that acts as focal point for data-driven research and data science at the University of Bremen. Our goal is to strengthen data science and data management in research, education, and application across all faculties as well as to advance scientific discoveries through cross-disciplinary collaborations.

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