Data Science Forum

Efforts and Value of Data Publishing - Making the Most of Qualitative Data in Social Science


13:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Online (Zoom)

Dr. Susanna Prepeliczay
Qualiservice, Universität Bremen

Sprache: Englisch

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We invite you once again to a culinary data break served in four short sessions to share our love for cooking research data. The menu revolves around different challenges in data management. Embark on a delightful journey with us, exploring FAIR data in digital humanities, uncovering the secrets of the Nagoya Protocol, indulging in data licences, and venturing into the realm of data publishing. The entire menu can be found on the right and HERE.


If you are interested in the prerequisites and resources required for the professional preparation, curation and scientific secondary use of your qualitative research data via the specialised research data center (RDC) Qualiservice at Bremen University– this Data Snack Session is for you.

The RDC Qualiservice archives, curates and provides all kinds of qualitative research data (e.g. interview transcripts; observation protocols; field notes; audiovisual media…) from all social sciences topic domains and disciplines, including e.g. sociology; policy sciences; ethnography; cultural anthropology; religious sciences; criminology and others. In contrast to quantitative data, the curation of these qualitative data types relates to methodological, ethical and legal challenges, since qualitative data are characterised by person related and sensitive contents. Consequently, data protection laws (GDPR) need extensive consideration in order to protect the study participants.

The curation process encompasses several steps and starts with the counselling of researchers before and during data collection in order to support systematic preparation of research data. Subsequently, the process includes data delivery and anonymisation scrutiny within a secure technical environment, the review of context materials, compilation and cataloguing of metadata, and contextualisation by a study report. The preparatory work serves as background for publishing the dataset`s metadata and study report and to assign persistent identifiers (DOIs) in order to ensure citability and comply with the FAIR principles.

This Data Snack will introduce the workflows necessary for data sharing, and raise attention to the resources required by social science researchers and specialised research data centres.


Dr. Susanna Prepeliczay has longstanding empirical experience in qualitative social research using a variety of methods. Since August 2022, she works at the RDC Qualiservice and coordinates the curation department. Her tasks include the counselling of scientists and research projects in order to ensure a cooperative preparation and management of qualitative research data. Moreover, she is responsible for the DFG funded collaboration between Qualiservice and GESIS and USB Cologne within the FID Sociology (SocioHub).


The info event will take place from 1:00 to 1:30pm via Zoom. There will be a 15-20 minute presentation followed by an open forum for questions and discussion. We look forward to exciting discussions!

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