Data Science Forum

Licenses for Datasets - From Open Source Software to Creative Commons Licenses


13:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Online (Zoom)

Uwe Schindler
PANGAEA / MARUM, Universität Bremen

Sprache: Englisch

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We invite you once again to a culinary data break served in four short sessions to share our love for cooking research data. The menu revolves around different challenges in data management. Embark on a delightful journey with us, exploring FAIR data in digital humanities, uncovering the secrets of the Nagoya Protocol, indulging in data licences, and venturing into the realm of data publishing. The entire menu can be found on the right and HERE.


Join us for this Data Snack if you seek a comprehensive understanding of Open Source Software licenses, their implications on data sharing, and a beginner’s guide to navigating FAIR data publishing.

Open Source Software licenses have a long history going back to the early 80s with the GNU Manifesto by Richard Stallman. In this talk, Uwe Schindler will give a short history of Open Source Software licenses and how they influenced licenses for sharing and publishing data. He will then present an overview about suitable licenses from the Creative Commons (CC) stack of licenses, while mentioning some of the licensing / copyright issues that may affect users and publishers in some legislatives. This talk will summarize the important aspects of copyright law with regards to “scientific data” and “threshold of originality”, and will explain how licensing works for newcomers of FAIR data publishing (but not as legal advice).


Uwe Schindler is long-term contributor and project managemant chair of various Open Source projects including Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache POI, PHP. He also contributes to Elasticsearch/Opensearch, the Postgresql Java database driver, Apache TIKA, Neo4j, Forbiddenapis, Caffeine and many other projects. At University of Bremen he works for the PANGAEA, Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, located at MARUM. As founding member of the PANGAEA team, he is regularily talking about Licenses for Software and Data. In his former life he was Physicist and earned his diploma degree at FAU, Erlangen-Nürnberg.


The info event will take place from 1:00 to 1:30pm via Zoom. There will be a 15-20 minute presentation followed by an open forum for questions and discussion. We look forward to exciting discussions!

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