Data Science Forum

From Seafile to Nextcloud: File Management in the Cloud and the Path Ahead


13:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Online (Zoom)

Dr. Sandra Zänkert
Data Steward, DSC, Universität Bremen

Sprache: Englisch

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We invite you once again to a culinary data break served in four short sessions to share our love for cooking research data. The menu revolves around the theme "Data & Tools". Embark on a delightful journey with us, exploring the flavours of AI and machine learning documentation tools, uncovering the secrets of Seafile, indulding in Electronic Lab Notebooks, and venturing into the realm of digital humanities tools. The entire menu can be found on the right and HERE.


Seafile is our beloved cloud storage and file synching solution provided by the ZfN – but did you know about all its functionalities? And most of all: did you know that it will be discontinued and will be replaced by the cool kid (aka open-source solution) Nextcloud? In this session we will provide a general comparison between both cloud storage solutions. We hope to share some tips and tricks what can and can’t be done with Seafile and what will also be compatible with Nextcloud. With a short detour on naming conventions and folder structures, we will share some examples on how you can make more of both cloud storage solutions for your project management. And we will explore why Seafile might keep on living after all.


Sandra Zänkert completed her PhD in Biological Psychology at the University of Regensburg and joined the DSC as a Data Steward in June 2022. She is interested in all topics related to open science, reproducibility and sustainability in the research process. As data steward, she supports researchers from the natural and especially the health sciences of the U Bremen Research Alliance throughout the data life cycle.


The info event will take place online via Zoom from 1:00 to 1:30pm. There will be a 15-minute presentation followed by an open forum for questions and discussion. The slides with tips and helpful links will be provided at the end of each session. We look forward to exciting discussions!

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