Data Science Forum

Digital Humanities - Data Sources, Tools, And Methods


13:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Online (Zoom)

Dr. Manfred Nölte
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen

Sprache: Englisch

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We invite you once again to a culinary data break served in four short sessions to share our love for cooking research data. The menu revolves around the theme "Data & Tools". Embark on a delightful journey with us, exploring the flavours of AI and machine learning documentation tools, uncovering the secrets of Seafile, indulding in Electronic Lab Notebooks, and venturing into the realm of digital humanities tools. The entire menu can be found on the right and HERE.


Whether your are interested in a brief introduction to the Digital Humanities (DH), or you are thinking to apply some digital data tools within the humanities – this Data Snack Session is for you.

The Digital Humanities is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field between the humanities and applied computer science. It enables scholars and scientists to get access to vast amounts of digital data of all kinds. A lot of tools and methods – some of which inspired or borrowed from the Data Science – allow for the analysis of mostly (but not only) textual data. Whithin the workflow “Data Acquisition → Data Refinement → Data Analysis → Data Visualization/Publication” the analysis is for sure the core step, to create or confirm hypotheses or statements about theoretical models. But even within the Data Acquisition step there will be opportunities to automize the access to digital data.

Join this Data Snack to learn and discuss about the Digital Humanities. Further questions might be discussed more intensly making use of the Digital Humanities Advisory Service of the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB).


Manfred Nölte studied mathematics and bioinformatics. He is employed at the State and University Library (SuUB) of Bremen as a subject librarian (mathematics and computer science) and offers the above mentioned Digital Humanities Advisory Service . He participates in the Data Steward Network of the U Bremen Research Alliance.


The info event will take place online via Zoom from 1:00 to 1:30pm. There will be a 15-minute presentation followed by an open forum for questions and discussion. The slides with tips and helpful links will be provided at the end of each session. We look forward to exciting discussions!

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