Data Science Forum

Beyond Pen And Paper - Benefits And challenges of Electronic Lab Notebooks


13:00 - 13:30 Uhr

Online (Zoom)

Dr. Norbert Riefler
Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien (IWT)

Sprache: Englisch

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We invite you once again to a culinary data break served in four short sessions to share our love for cooking research data. The menu revolves around the theme "Data & Tools". Embark on a delightful journey with us, exploring the flavours of AI and machine learning documentation tools, uncovering the secrets of Seafile, indulding in Electronic Lab Notebooks, and venturing into the realm of digital humanities tools. The entire menu can be found on the right and HERE.


Probably since the beginning of scientific experimentation, researchers have been using pen and paper to scribble down their results, thoughts and observations. Over the decades and centuries, notes might have gotten more systematic, best practices for lab notebooks developed. Now, in the 21th century science is ready to take the next step into a digitized world. But many still struggle with the implementation of so-called Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELN).

We want to discover the essence of ELNs and how they become advantageous for oneself and for collaboration. And what’s about financial costs and the required time investment? And what ELN should you go for?

Join this Data Snack for an introduction on how to choose and implement an ELN and the associated challenges.

This Data Snack welcomes all researchers who want to document their experiments, lab or field work, electronically / in a digital way / in a more sustainable way.


Norbert Riefler is a physicist, engineer, and data steward at the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering (IWT) . His multifaceted role involves utilizing software and hardware for computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulations and overseeing the implementation and development of research data management (RDM). Moreover, he is the lead of the Data Stewardship Network of the U Bremen Research Alliance.


The info event will take place online via Zoom from 1:00 to 1:30pm. There will be a 15-minute presentation followed by an open forum for questions and discussion. The slides with tips and helpful links will be provided at the end of each session. We look forward to exciting discussions!

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